Monday, December 12, 2011

RP Energy Executives in Hiding - SBMA Wants Out.

Comment on from a reader on: "RP Energy Violates & Defies Our Community."

Ray Cunningham and RP Energy, these gutless cowards, hide behind the skirts of their attorneys to avoid honest discourse. Their slogan is "profit over people!"

We are the 99%!

THE SUBIC BULLETIN: I think we were all surprised when the RP Energy executives failed to keep their promise of facing the locators of Subic Freeport.

It is very clear that the vast majority of people don't want the Coal Plant, Ray Cunningham and his buddies may have been able to gain the political influence to curb policies and break rules but during last week’s meetings there was enough data tabled to run these guys out of town for good.

RP Energy is in Violation of their MOU with SBMA. The SBMA board of directors is clearly not happy with the deal and wish RP Energy would go away, but we can fully appreciate that the SBMA Board does not want to expose SBMA to a long and protracted legal case with RP Energy so they are clearly trying to show RP Energy the door in a very polite way.

Should RP Energy continue its arrogant stand and refuse to get the message there is still a trump card SBMA can play. RP Energy is assuming that SBMA will follow the guidelines laid out for the rest of the country for emissions, however these levels are quite high, so SBMA is quite entitled to set its own maximum allowable emission levels. Should SBMA set those levels low enough it would be unrealistically expensive to operate the plant in Subic.

We think the SBMA board knows that they hold this trump card but are hoping RP Energy retains some dignity and cancels the project in the interest of the community.

Send us your comments and contributions!

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