Friday, August 21, 2009

Philippine - American History 101

Comment from a reader on "Was The USA Subic's First Big Investor?":

US education, it seems, is sadly lacking. The American did not displace the Spanish in Subic Bay but the Filipinos, who had already seized it from the Spanish.

While the Spanish in Manila surrenders to the Americans, the Americans did not defeat them, the Filipinos did - by the time of the surrender the Spanish no longer controlled any part of the Philippines outside Manila - the Filipinos did. Under order from President McKinley US forces seized control of the country from the Filipinos.

"The only other time that I recall the Americans imposing on Philippine turf ", You recall wrong, in 1945 the islands were American turf, not Filipino, and have been for nearly half a century. The US claimed sovereignty over the entire archipelago in late December 1898. That's called "imposing on Philippine turf".

Since your school teachers haven't taught you your own history very well you can get "The Philippine War" by Brian Linn of Texas A&M from Amazon and Gerald Anderson's Subic Bay - Magellan to Pinatubo either in the Philippines or also from Amazon.

Before dismissing Filipino, and others, criticisms of the US in the Philippines you really should learn more about the country and its history - and the history of the United States.

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