Monday, August 10, 2009

Was The USA Subic's First Big Investor?

Reader Comment on "The Next Wave Of Subic Investors":

I stand intrigued by the SB observation, "..the ruckus started when the US came in.." Would that be related to the 1898 dispacement of the Spanish by the Americans?

Were the crude Americans more "ruckidy" than the genteel Spanish ruckidies? The only other time that I recall the Americans imposing on Philippine turf was the 1945 actions that forced out that nice President Laurel, along with the rousting out of those cuddly lads of the Imperial Japanese armed forces. Boy, some ruckuteers them, huh?

[The Subic Bulletin] While your sharp wit is thoroughly enjoyable, you seem to have overlooked the fact that the original story was about foreign nationalities setting up shop in SUBIC! The conquests to which you have profoundly stated are Philippines conquests not SUBIC investors.
Original story:
In this scenario you can say that the USA setting up a Navel Base in Subic was possibly the areas first big investor, and yes old timers tell us that there was all sorts of grumbling even though the US Dollars pumped up the Subic Area. Doesn't matter the nationality someone will always find something to grizzle about. I hope this clarifies the point and please do keep the entertaining commentory comming!

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