Friday, October 23, 2009

Filipino or Foriegn Owned Bars?

Comment from a reader on "The Bars In Barretto":

I never thought I would say this, but I agree with the author. The recent emergence of so many "Girly" bars has unfortunately diminished Barretto's charm in my view. Yes there have been these types of establishments there for more than 30 years. Most disappeared when the Navy pulled out, then some reemerged only a few years later. None of which were too "in your face". Some over the years even transformed into more "Family oriented" establishments.

Now there seems to be almost as many bars as tourists. Classy establishments with names such as "Wet Spot" are sure to engender pride within the community.

I am no prude and I am far from innocent in these matters, but a line does need to be drawn at some point. Most of these newer establishments are owned, as the author noted, by many who fled Angeles City for one reason or another, with the hopes of re-establishing themselves in the Subic Bay area. Problem is, they tend to bring with them, many of the negative aspects of Angeles City.

[The Subic Bulletin] As pointed out in our original story only one bar owner came from Angeles City and he is quoted as saying that one of the motivators in moving to Subic was to get away from the negative aspects of Angeles City so your comments of bar owners fleeing to Subic like its a refuge is not supported by the facts.

But what disturbs us is that comments like this seem to focus only on the bars that are owned or frequented by foreigners. Have we also cir-cum to the famous crab mentality?
There are girlie-bars all over the Philippines and certainly in almost every barrio serving Filipino customers, more often than not these bars have underage girls and provide a breading ground for unchecked sexually transmitted diseases.

You chose to mention the bar "Wet Spot", which seems somewhat inexplicable, this bar is set back from the road, has no neon or in your face signage and does not have half naked women standing outside like the Filipino owned bars, so how is this more in your face than the Filipino bar across the road that has flashing lights on the edge of the road and half naked women in the street? It seems that these (Filipino owned) establishments are not of concern to the prudes just the ones that are well run and managed while providing a safe environment to foreigners, or is it that they are a better target for pay-offs?

We would suggest the prudes focus on the Filipino bars that spread disease and pedophilia before getting hung up over well run, legitimate businesses, but sorry there is not so much money in it for them.

Probably even the prudes are happy that there is now a 7/11, several meat shops and increased availability of goods and services in Barretto, these arguably, have been brought about by the commerce generated by the presence of the bars aka tourism!

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