Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Are All Philippine Airports Poorly Managed?

Comment from a reader on "Another Reason To Avoid Clark Airport.":

As a frequent traveller from both Manila and Clark to all major cities in Asia, I can only marvel at the Philippines ability to constantly 'balls' things up. Yes, the travel tax is is a nonsense, but it simply pales into insignificance when compared to the utter joke that constitutes arrival at the new Manila (Cebu Pacific) terminal. After getting off the plane airport staff still insist on collecting health forms (other Asian countries stopped this long ago) and are anal about having a cell phone number from all travelers - a very welcoming reception to international visitors who don't happen to either have a local cell number or know what hotel they are staying at - never mind that they don't read what is submitted anyway (I have frequently filled out my name as 'Donald Duck' or Michael Jackson in an effort to see how if they really care what is written. Apparently not). From there you pass through immigration and pick up your baggage and here the stupidity really begins. You line up single file often for 30-40 minutes to individually show the form to an official who sizes up your bags in an attempt to asses the possible value of its contents. After answering their standard question ' anything to declare?', despite being in a 'nothing to declare' lane, they give you the form back and on you go. In a job creation scheme that could only be dreamt up in the Philippines, there is another roving official who leaps from trolley to trolley in an attempt to collect the customs forms as you leave the airport. I have turned this into something of a sport and bide my time leaving the customs counter in an attempt to pass the official at top speed as he's busy with a larger group of tourists, feigning ignorance of the fact that I'm meant to hand over the form. He invariably runs and catches you but I am constantly furthering my distance record.

What the Airport Authority has succeeded in doing is constructing a very nice modern terminal and then using the same archaic thinking and passenger management procedure as before.

One only has to look at some of the regions other airports to see how to do it properly. Please Philippine Airport Authority, your visitor numbers and SOP show that you don't have the knowledge to handle passengers; just learn from the other Asian nations who are doing it well and enjoy the benefits of praise and respect rather than ridicule from Locals and Foreigners alike.

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