Monday, September 14, 2009

Don't Forget The Brits!

Comment from readers on "Philippine - American History 101":

The English also played a part, albeit reasonably small, in the history of the Philippines.
A British conquest of the Spanish Philippines occurred between 1762 and 1764, although the only part of the Philippines which the British actually occupied was the Spanish colonial capital Manila with the principal Spanish naval port Cavite, both on Manila Bay.
Full story here

The Philippines is a great country with fantastic friendly people. There are obviously major differences in the culture from the western living people and so like any foreigner in any other country 'we' should try to adapt to the local customs.

This from a Brit EX Pat who wishes he could be back home there but sadly must work overseas for the time being.

And Another:

When I first posted, "Was the USA Subic's First Big investor," SB responded with an acknowledgment the article was written tongue in cheek.

I had absolutely no intention of denigrating the Filipino people, or its history thereof. It would appear that some people lake the wit necessary to "read between the lines." Thank you SB for printing my inputs, and recognizing the basic intent of the rationale.

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