Thursday, May 14, 2009

How Many SBMA Executives Does It Take To Manage An Intersection?

The blinking light again at corner that turns to Royal: So we had it blinking red one direction meaning STOP and blinking yellow the other direction meaning, PROCEED WITH CAUTION. Too many drivers had no clue what traffic colors meant.

The Philippines has a drug test but no driving test.

Whoever actually manages that corner and is responsible to SBMA for it's signal safety obviously has no clue either. He or she has now added home made signs reading, "First to stop, first to proceed." Which is not bad, except that plain old fashioned STOP signs on all corners means the same thing. Or for that matter blinking red lights both directions. But they left the lights blinking yellow and red. The few drivers who actually know their meaning are now given mixed messages. The fact is, that intersection is congested and confusing enough to need the lights to work as they were intended, Red, yellow, green. That corner is a microcasm of SBMA management. In fact, it mirrors the management style of the entire country. It must be why we love it here.
As the Americans used to refer to the PI, "The land of not quite right."

I only had two beers. Is it OK to blog, boss?

The Subic Bulletin: Thanks for your sobering questions, but we must admit we are baffled by this intersection it seems many others are to by the fact that the PTT seems to have become the main path for people wanting to avoid the confusion. Would those home made signs be legally binding in an accident anyway? Is this a showcase of the management quality of SBMA?

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