Tuesday, May 19, 2009

The Subic Tollbooth Shuffle

One Step Forward and Two Steps Backward !

I was pleased last week when I seen a sign at the SFEX toll booth saying that from May 11 both the tolls from the SCTEX and the SFEX would be collected at the same time at the SCTEX exit.

Progress I thought ! I should have known better !

I seen it in action last night and I cannot believe how a system like this can be so stupid. Here is how it goes: I exit the SCTEX and pay the combined toll, but suspicion sets in as I only get a receipt for the SCTEX toll and in addition I get a laminated card. When I get to the SFEX toll booth I exchange this card for a receipt! So can somebody tell me what this solves? Have I missed something? This place really defies logic. There is one thing I can say though is that if this country ever got close to being efficient in anything there would be an awful lot of unemployed people around.

For a short journey from Clark to Subic i dealt with three people.

The Subic Bulletin: We have also experienced this bizarre scheme, the ques were exactly the same because it took the same time to hand them a card as the money, it seems the only reason they did this was to stop asking the drivers for change! It figures they would put a system in that makes it easier for them but makes no difference to the drivers.

How can they possibly still justify collecting a toll on the Tipo road anyway, its not a freeway, not even a dual lane and continues to have a very high single car accident rate. Its dangerous, clogged and must have paid for itself several times over. Include the toll charge for trucks in the processing at the SBMA gate and start welcoming the tourists instead of showing them petty stupidity and greed right at the front gate!

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